What is Open Banking?
Open Banking refers to the use of APIs that enable third-party developers to build applications and services around financial institutions.
Traditional closed banking is breaking up to give way to open access, transparent service, and most importantly of all, collaboration.
What is OneLinQ? How it is useful to us?
OneLinQ is an innovative payment and financial crime compliance platform for Fintechs and Third Party Providers (TPPs), providing easy onboarding and a streamlined global payments process.
OneLinQ provides PSD2 Payment Initiation and Account Information services, accessible to all organizations who are seeking for genuine Pan-European and interoperable payment gateway solution.
What are the various services provided by OneLinQ?
OneLinQ provides Account Information Services (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS).
What are the various plans provided by OneLinQ?
Currently, OneLinQ offers following plans: Beta, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Please visit API product for more details about plan.
Do we get charged to use OneLinQ?
No. Registering on OneLinQ is free. However, to test some APIs you may be required to subscribe to the plan.
How to raise a support ticket?
To raise a ticket, you need to login to API portal. Go to the Support tab and click on Support ticket.
Can a regulated third party provider make a payment from my account without my authorisation?
No. You’ll always need to approve any payment made from your account.
OneLinQ ensures that no payment will be initiated without proper consent of user.
How valid is the data in Sandbox environment?
The data used in Sandbox environment is dummy, but will follow the same structure as the data in production environment.
What are the security standards supported by OneLinQ?
APIs are secured with API Key using ClientId and ClientSecret, OAuth2 – client credentials & authorization code, grant type and SSL/TLS.
How do I get a token?
The token is the credential that is needed to use an API. It is the result of a valid call to the authorization process.
You can find more on the authorization process in Getting Started guide.
What is the procedure to test the APIs?
Refer How to in order to make your first call to our APIs.
How can I be assured of security of the data being shared on the Portal?
The data is being transferred using SSL/TSL security.
How do I control who accesses my account information?
Your account information is only accessible to you.
What is OAuth 2.0?
OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information, most commonly using access codes and tokens on other websites but without giving them the passwords.
How can I create an OAuth token?
To create OAuth token you have to call ‘/authorize’ and ‘/token’ API. For more details refer Getting Started guide.
Why am I not able to use a plan/API even after I have completed subscription?
You might have subscribed the plan which requires approval. So, you will get an e-mail once your subscription to the plan is approved and then you can use/access the APIs.
How do I see my API usage?
The numbers of requests, for different APIs, that your application has made are shown on your application page.
Click 'Apps' in the main menu and then click on your application. In the 'Product Subscriptions' table you will see all plans your application is subscribed to.
For each API contained in that plan you can see the usage compared to the rate limit of the plan.
How to generate request in security APIs for OneLinQ structure?
The request field must be generated by using JWT. The JWT will have the following JSON structure:
"alg": "HS256"
"request_id": "THE REQUEST ID",
"iss": "CLIENT ID "
The Currently supported algorithms is: HS256 The request_id value will be different while creating access AIS APIs and authorizing payment.
AIS: While accessing AIS API's the request_id will be AccountRequestId. The AccountRequestId can be generated by calling Account Requests API of AIS.
Authorizing Payment: While authorizing a payment the request_id will be a PaymentId.
Why am I not able to use some of the APIs?
You might have subscribed to the plan which does not offer those APIs. Please verify your subscription plan.
Why am I getting authorization error while testing the APIs?
To access the OAuth2-secured APIs, you must have a valid access token generated by calling ‘/authorize’ and ‘/token’ API. Follow the Getting Started guide for more details on the creation of an access token.
I'm experiencing problems with my username and password and I'm sure they are correct. Can you help me with it?
First, check your browser settings to make sure the "allow cookies" option is enabled.
If the problem persists you can reset your password here.
Still having problems? Please contact us by clicking here.
Is pagination functionality provided to navigate through the pages of transaction detail?
Yes, the pagination functionality is provided in the GET /accounts/transactions API of OneLinQ PSD2 AIS API.
The transaction details can be viewed by calling the GET /accounts/transactions API of OneLinQ PSD2 AIS API. As complete transaction details may not be fetched in response, so the functionality of pagination is provided.
You will receive the link for the "Self", "First", "Prev", "Next" and "Last" pages in the response of GET /accounts/transactions API to navigate to the desired pages.
What is the lifetime of the token received in the response of the POST /token endpoint of OneLinQ PSD2 Security API ?
The lifetime of the token received in the response of the POST /token endpoint of OneLinQ PSD2 Security API depends on the ASPSP.
If the ASPSP does not supports refresh token then the expiration time is returned in the response of the /token of OneLinQ PSD2 Security API whereas if ASPSP supports refresh token then it is internally handled by OneLinQ PSD2 framework and expiration time is not returned in the response of the /token API.
What type of payment can a TPP initiate?
TPP can initiate domestic payments.
The payment product types supported by OneLinQ are SEPA, Instant SEPA and by default the domestic payment product type of respective countries.
For e.g. For UK the payment product type supported by OneLinQ is FPS.
Are there any limits on API usage?
We have a Beta plan available that allows you to make 100 Security API, 40 PIS API, 60 PIS API calls per hour in our sandbox environment.
The Beta plan is free – there are no costs involved.
What does the terminology "destination bank" refers to on the developer portal?
The terminology "destination bank" mentioned on the portal are the banks that the user is going to connect via OneLinQ APIs (Source being OneLinQ APIs or OBWG APIs or Berlin APIs) or in other words, we can say that the terminology "destination bank" refers to the banks which hold debtor account.
Where the test data to used during API call can be found ?
The test data to be used during the bank's API call can be acquired through mail at the request of the subscriber.
OneLinQ will send the test data set for the bank whose APIs need to be consumed through the mail. The request can be raised from the support page or via mail.
Is it mandatory to add a "PSU-ID-Type" header in the request for the bank's eg (Deutsche Bank AG Belgium DEUTBEXX) Account Access Consents API call ?
The "PSU-ID-Type" header can be ignored as its value is internally handled by our solution. So it's not required to pass this header in the API call request.
Even if it is added in the request header its value should be as per the test data shared for the sandbox and in production its value should be the one of the values supported by the bank.
What is the first API to be called for AIS and PIS APIs flow journey?
For AIS APIs consumption, the value against the field “AisPreStep” guides for the first API to be consumed. If the value of the field "AisPreStep" is "AuthorisationCodeOauth", then, Authorisation code flow needs to be triggered and If the value of the field "AisPreStep" is "ClientCredentialsOauth", then Client credentials code flow needs to be triggered.
Similarly, for the PIS APIs flow journey, the value against the field “PisPreStep” guides for the first API to be consumed. If the value of the field "PisPreStep" is"AuthorisationCodeOauth", then Authorisation code flow needs to be triggered whereas if the value of the field "PisPreStep" is "ClientCredentialsOauth", then, Client credentials code flow needs to be triggered.
The complete detail step can be referred to on the "How To" page of our developer portal.
How do I generate a "token" header (JWT) in AIS and PIS products ?
We can generate the token by two ways:
A) Generate a token through various libraries
B) Generate a token online through the https://jwt.io/ website
A) Generate JWT through Various libraries are present for Signing/Verification of JWT, Refer https://jwt.io/libraries/
For implemetation refer GitHub link https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt/
Please find below sample snippet of the code:
RSAPublicKey publicKey = //Get the key instance
RSAPrivateKey privateKey = //Get the key instance
try {
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.RSA256(publicKey, privateKey);
String token = JWT.create()
} catch (JWTCreationException exception){
//Invalid Signing configuration / Couldn't convert Claims.
The resultant token string looks like this:
B) Generate a token online through the https://jwt.io/ website by using the following steps:
1) Select the algorithm RS256 from the Algorithm drop-down menu.
2) Enter the header and the payload. For more information, see the 'Header and payload format' section below.
3) Generate an SSH Key Pair. Refere - https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/cloud-at-customer/occ-get-started/gener...
4) Enter the generated private key in the Private Key field of the Verify Signature section. Ensure that you have removed the public certificate from the Public Key or Certificate field, if the certificate exists.
A token is generated in the Encoded section. Copy this token and use it in the POST API request.
Header and Payload format:
The header consists of two parameters:
i) alg (Mandatory): The signing algorithm being used, such as RS256.
ii) typ (Optional): The type of the token, which is JWT.
For example:
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
The Payload contains complete JSON body of the API request
For example:
{"language":"en","enabledCountries":["United Kingdom","Netherlands"],"supportedPaymentMethods":["single"],"buyerDetails":{"firstName":"Test","lastName":"User","emailId":"test@test.com","addressLine1":"Address line 1","addressLine2":"Address line 2","state":"Southampton","country":"United Kingdom","zipCode":"SO53","city":"Cherry Court","isdCode":"+44","mobileNo":"8087495330"},"paymentDetails":{"amount":10.02,"currency":"GBP","accountNumber":"50000012345602","bankBic":"NWBKGBXX","bankCountry":"United Kingdom","reference":"1024556","purpose":"Business Trip"},"successRedirectionUrl":"https://onelinq.com/callback/success","failureRedirectionUrl":"https://onelinq.com/callback/failure","transactionId":"TR00001","state":{}}
What is the next API to be consumed post calling POST /account-access-consents, POST /payments API, POST /bulk-payments, or POST /standing-order-payments ?
OneLinQ has always endeavored to return data enriched and user-friendly responses that should self-explanatory. Our response of API POST /account-access-consents contains information about the next APIs needed to consume. The value of the fields like "SCA Approach" and fields containing link value will guide for the next API to be consumed. The example below for one of the scenario for the account access consent response highlight that next API to be called is GET /account-access-consents/{ConsentId}/redirect
Does the user need to provide ScaAuthenticationData regardless of the chosen method during SCA Start authorization with a select authentication flow?
Yes, the user will be required to provide the ScaAuthenticationData regardless of the chosen method. This needs to be provided in the "Authorize Transaction" API call. This will be a single field of data.
To elaborate the process to acquire the ScaAuthenticationData by the user depends on the banks and selection of the user. It may be acquired by the user as an SMS OTP over the user's registered phone, or an external SmartTAN Photo card reader device may be required to get the TAN (ScaAuthenticationData), etc depending on SCA method selected by user.
However, in all such scenarios, the user will be required to provide the ScaAuthenticationData and it will be in the form of a token or password.
The method selection like SmartTAN plus, Smart-TAN photo, etc. and its corresponding ScaAuthenticationData can be tested only in the production environment as the sandbox environment of the banks does not support it.