Account Holder Name
Account Holder Name API retrieves the Payment Counterparty (Payee) details from the Responding PSP records based on the Payee information provided in the VoP Request.
Account Holder Name API interacts with the Responding Payment Service Provider (PSP), which holds the records of the payee’s account. The API fetches the payee details as they appear in the Responding PSP’s database. This includes the account holder’s name and other identifying information.
API Product Recommendations
OneLinQ Wallet Funding APIs, a service to fund the payment service user’s account from the payment account held at another payment service provider.
OneLinQ Payment Request APIs, a service facilitates payment service users to send payment link through SMS/Email to Payer.
Affordability Check verifies a user’s affordability and enables informed and profitable decision making by accessing Transaction account data of specific currency, for desired time frame across multiple accounts using Open Banking PSD2 Rail. Affordability Check uses AI and machine learning to analyse bank records to validate and get a deeper and accurate understanding of user income & expense, which in turn will minimise credit risk.